Hey Curio!
I’m Rajya Lakshmi Bala
Hey Curio! I am Rajya Lakshmi Bala
A warm welcome to curiopreneurs.com and thanks for stopping by. I am a busy full time IT professional, on-the-side blogger and the voice behind curiopreneurs.com
Here on curiopreneurs.com, you will find:
Not sure where to start : Check out the blog here
Want to know more?
You can call me Raji if that sounds short and sweet.
I hold a master’s degree in information systems and work for one of the giant IT companies in the world.
It has always been my dream to have my own space on the internet toshare my thoughts and curiopreneurs.com is the dream came true. I launched this website in May 2023, ten months after purchasing the domain name. I’m a damn procrastinator. I know 🙂